Google+ Rolls Out New Look

Google announced on Wednesday that it is rolling out a significant redesign for its social networking platform Google+, which will allow users to create a more customized experience on the site. The company said it will introduce a variety of new features to the site in the next few days, from customizing apps and the […]

DuckDuckGo Grows Another 50% Adds Cloud Features

DuckDuckGo, the little search engine that could, had another record month for traffic, up 50 percent to 45 million total direct searches for the entire month, an average 1.47 million per day, founder Gabriel Weinberg wrote in an email to users. “Thank you for helping to continue to spread DuckDuckGo,” Weinberg wrote. As part of […]

How to Prep Your SEO for Google

Three simple steps to ensure the new Google algorithm doesn’t throw a wrench in your company’s search engine results. According to a statement released by Webimax, the new upcoming change in Google’s algorithm is expected to be the most substantial one in the history of Google search. More Information For more information go to:

Why the QR code is failing

They have become the standard violator appearing on advertising; in the corner of print ads, across billboards, on buses, or in pieces of direct mail. You’ve seen them; that little block of even littler squares. Unfortunately the technology behind QR codes was not invented for advertising and marketing; we are just co-opting its usage, and […]

Want to put all your efforts in Social Media? Think again…

A company’s website – not Social Media – is critical to online sales. In fact, company websites are the No. 1 source of online sales and seven times more effective than social media at customer acquisition, according to an article on ZDnet based on a joint study by marketing technology company Demandbase and online business […]

ISPs Caught Hijacking & Redirecting Search Results

Careful who you’re hiring to handle your Internet service: The New Scientist reports that several ISPs are allegedly hijacking searches conducted on search engines and redirecting in order to make a quick profit. A searcher would search for a keyword such as [apple] and the ISP may take that user through a redirect via an […]