Buyers Beware! Facebook User IDs were sold to broker.

Some developers at Facebook Inc. were placed on a six-month suspension because they sold identifying user information to a broker, according to a post on the company’s blog. Palo Alto-based Facebook said on its developers’ blog that it discovered some instances where a data broker was paying developers for user IDs. More Information For more […]

Could Facebook be bluffing on search-engine plans?

Facebook this week announced a major partnership with Bing. Your Facebook connections now affect the search results delivered by Microsoft’s search engine. The update means that a box will be added to Bing search results showing relevant Web links that have been “liked” by your Facebook friends. What’s more, when you search for a name, […]

The Makings Of A ‘National Cyber Leap’

America’s chief technology officer, Aneesh Chopra, vowed last year that the country would experience a “national cyber leap-year,” where new technologies would be applied to many of the country’s toughest challenges. While the country may not have leapt away from its problems, it has made significant jumps forward, Chopra said Wednesday to a group of […]

Twitter revamps website as usage soars

Twitter executives unveiled a dramatic redesign of its website Tuesday to simplify use and add major new functions, including the ability to embed videos and music into the short messages, or “tweets,” that the service allows people to broadcast across the Internet. More Information For more information go to:

5 Quick Ways To Improve Your Facebook SEO

With reports that Facebook sees more traffic than Google, it makes sense that many SMB owners are getting serious about setting up shop on the hip social networking site. Take the proper steps to increase your SEO efforts on your Facebook site. More Information For more information go to:

Strategies to Keep Your Website in Tip-Top Shape – Part I

As the Internet continues to evolve and more prospective buyers begin their home search on the Web, it is crucial that real estate professionals (and not only…) keep their website in tip-top shape. More Information For more information go to: