Google+ Hangouts are proving one of the most popular features of the new social networking service, but there’s no built-in option to record them. Until Google adds such functionality, we’ve found five workarounds to help you record your next Hangout – free. More Information For more information go to:
Category Archives: Technology
Google search blocks 11 million websites to fight malware
Google has blocked all websites from its search results because the domain has been found to be too “spammy.” The .cc top-level domain, which belongs to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and regular .cc websites are unaffected by Google’s changes, according to The Register. More Information For more information go to:
Symantec: Spammers now offer fake URL shorteners
Spammers for the first time are now establishing their own fake URL-shortening services, according to a report from Symantec Corp. In the scheme, shortened links created on these fake URL-shortening sites are not included directly in spam messages. Instead, the spam emails contain shortened URLs created on legitimate URL-shortening sites. These shortened URLs lead to […]
The Internet Has Challenges: Five of Them
The top five challenges for the Internet on its 20th anniversary should come as no great surprise to anyone who follows the industry, or rather, industries. But now they’re at least semi-official – The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, the organization behind the prestigious Webby Awards, has come out with its top five […]
All About SEO – Frequently Asked Questions
Q: “What exactly is SEO, why do I need it and how does it work. More importantly, what specifically do I need to do about SEO?” A: Simply put, SEO is the process of optimizing your website by improving the internal (behind-the-scenes web techy stuff) and the external (web content, pages, images, etc.) setup in […]
18 Fun Interesting Facts You Never Knew About The Internet
Well, it’s official. Pretty much everyone now has broadband and the majority us of use the Internet more than we watch TV. Everyone and their grandmother is on Facebook, and many of us have some kind of embarrassing moment enshrined on YouTube. But how much do you really know about the Internet revolution? More Information […]