What Can Social Media Tell Us About American Society?

America is obsessed with its social media tools – more than half of all Americans have a social networking profile. But what does social media tell us about American society? Is our use of social tools a reflection of our interests and behaviors? Apparently we Americans have a lot to say (48% of all bloggers […]

New Web address boom could be search engine boon

The decision to open the Internet to a flood of Web addresses ending in anything from company names to social movements could prove a boon to search engines. The Internet’s global coordinator on Monday approved the creation of website addresses ending in just about any word, triggering one of the biggest ever shake-ups in how […]

Egypt – Pressures for Change & the Social Media Impact

What is happening in Egypt is not just a revolution. It is the result of socio-cultural change that has been in motion for longer than the 30 years reign of Mobarak. This change has been amplified by the development of social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs. The Jasmin Revolution in Tunisia, an apparently uncoordinated […]

Report: Facebook

The more ‘friends’ people have on Facebook the more likely they are to be stressed out and anxious, according to a new study. Psychologists from Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland studied students’ use of the Palo Alto-based social media Web site and concluded that for a significant number of Facebook users the negative effects of […]

How To Check If Someone Else Is Accessing Your FB Account

What’s the number one issue people have with Facebook? That’s right, privacy. Ever since there’s been a Facebook, people have been voicing their privacy concerns about it. So what’s the problem now? Nothing, technically. In fact, Facebook has recently given us a way to see if someone else has been accessing our Facebook accounts (without […]