Fresh Out of Web Addresses

Just as there is a limit on the number of telephone numbers, there is also a finite number of Internet (IP) addresses. Every device, such as mobile phones and laptops, and every Web site gets its own unique number. What happens when the current IP addresses run out? That’s where the new Internet addressing system, […]

Web Video: Creating a Positive First Impression

When was the last time you did business with someone you didn’t like? The truth is, when we have a choice, we deal with people we like. For that very reason, video provides the power and persuasion to drive clients to your door like nothing else. More Information For more information go to:

All About SEO – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: “What exactly is SEO, why do I need it and how does it work. More importantly, what specifically do I need to do about SEO?” A: Simply put, SEO is the process of optimizing your website by improving the internal (behind-the-scenes web techy stuff) and the external (web content, pages, images, etc.) setup in […]

SEO Trends – What 2011 Holds for Us?

The most interesting area to look forward to is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), without which no website under the sun passes the fitness test. The SEO domain has got a tremendous boost owing to the growing popularity of social networking sites and various improvements in search technology. Social Media Optimization activities may include back links […]

EU Chews on Web Cookies

Seeking to be a leader in protecting online privacy, the European Union last year passed a law requiring companies to obtain consent from Web users when tracking files such as cookies are placed on users’ computers. Europe’s effort to regulate online “cookies” is crumbling, exposing how tough it is to curb the practice of tracking […]