Twitter executives unveiled a dramatic redesign of its website Tuesday to simplify use and add major new functions, including the ability to embed videos and music into the short messages, or “tweets,” that the service allows people to broadcast across the Internet. More Information For more information go to:
A Labor Day Gift: Unplug!
There’s been a huge shift in the sheer volume of information consumed (an increase of 350% in the amount of information consumed daily between 1980 and 2008), and then a shift to pervasive interfaces (cell phones, smartphones, remote working, social networks, etc.) All this makes us all too available, all the time. That’s why disciplined […]
Older Adults’ Use of Social Networks Growing Fast
A growing number of adults are logging onto social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to stay connected, according to a study released recently by the Pew Research Center’s Internet and America Life Project. In fact, for adults 50-64 years old, the use of social networking sites have jumped by 88% in the past year, […]
Facebook users are on the horns of a dilemma: Blindly give away their personal information to any third-party app that interests them, or hoard their personal information and steer clear of all third-party apps. Facebook either can’t or won’t tell users which apps are safe and which are scams, so it’s apparently a case of […]
Small Business Options… Credit & Microlending
Before the economic collapse, microfinance – the granting of very small loans, mostly to poor people – was a concept most closely associated with the developing world. Now increased demand for smaller loans in the United States, gives microlending a higher profile and broadens its appeal. More Information For more information go to:
Feeling a Bit Overconnected? Join the Crowd…
Young people have done a good job of integrating technology into their lives, but they are also the ones who are most concerned about being over-connected. This finding is part a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, The Mobile Difference, which discusses how different groups of American adults treat the latest […]